My therapeutic massage focuses on the aches and pains in the body.
I am mainly focusing on neck, shoulders, upper/lower back, thighs and calf muscles, which are the areas where stress and tension mostly reside.
I have been told that my massages relieve backache, tightness in the back and improve blood flow to the extremities, I also work on thighs and legs , which will relieve tightness in hamstrings and calves and improves blood flow to the legs.
My therapeutic massage covers a large area of the body. My efforts are to relieve the stress and muscle tension in the body.
Taller/slender individuals are most likely to benefit from my massage.
I am only available for massage in-calls only at my location where I have a massage table and I charge $30-$35 for 90 minutes massage. I have been known for charging lower rates for my massage services, but it does not mean that my massages are not as good, it’s just my conception of charging less for those in need of affordable massage.